Let’s Talk: Air Plants
By Plant Daddies of Atlanta
Air plants are one of the easiest plants to care for! They are safe around pets, do not require soil and pull their nutrients from the air. There are still some care and environmental situations in order to thrive, however, they will make for the perfect centerpiece!
Environmental wise, depending on where you live, you may need to adjust your watering habits for your air plants. If you live in a drier climate, you might need to water more frequently or mist daily in between soaks, whereas if your air plants are in a place where they receive abundant humidity from the air, you may need to water less.
Lighting is important for air plants as any living species need some type of light to live. If you are keeping your plants indoors, you will want to make sure they are near an adequate light source. Windows are perfect if you do not get a lot of direct sun through the window. If they are an east or west facing, you’ll want to back it away 3-5 feet from the window. You can place them outside, just be sure it is a nice, shaded area that does not get any direct sun. An ideal place would be in a bathroom window where the steam/moisture will keep them happy. You most certainly can use artificial light, just be cautious of how long they are under the light for.

Watering air plants are super easy, even if you are in a time crunch! You will place them in a bowl, sink or container and let them soak for 10-20 minutes. After they are done soaking, you will want to gently shake any excess water off the base of the plants (inside the crown) as that will cause rot/damage to the plant. You will want to let them sit out to dry (upside down preferably) until they have dried out. If you’ve forgotten to water them in a bit and they start to look thirsty, you can soak them longer for a few hours or even overnight. You will notice a healthy air plant will have wide open leaves and dehydrated plant will have closed leaves. We also recommend using distilled water as tap water can have chemicals that may be harmful to the plants.
Another important aspect to air plant care is air and temperature. You will need good, clean air circulation to survive. You will not want to keep your air plant in enclosed containers, they like to live in places where they can get good air circulation. There are several different displays that work well such as tabletop or glass that showcase your beautiful plants. You will also want to make sure the temperature in your home from 50-90 degrees Fahrenheit.

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While there are a few items to be aware of when you take care of your air plants, over time, taking care of your air plants will become easier and you will get many years of enjoyment of these beautiful and unique plants. We hope these tips can help you be the best air plant parent! 🌱